My Hobby - Me!

Published on 22 August 2024 at 17:32

My youngest son had just left home to go to University and it was just me at home. 


What do I do now?


A few weeks later I was asked to join a band as their Bass player was retiring. I hadn't picked up the bass since I left Germany five years ago. will I be good enough? Don't forget you're not that good, or so your "ex" kept telling you enough, you started believing it, rather than actually believing in your own abilities.


I went to the rehearsal, when we stopped for a break, the lead guitarist who's band it was said, "So, you onboard?"  


"Hell Yeah!" I replied.


First gig is at the beginning of September, "Oh My!" Six weeks to learn forty or so songs. 


Right! Pull my big girl pants up and get learning!


And I did! My first gig, I was so nervous, as never played a gig with new people before! I did it and I have never looked back. That was back in 2018. I am still playing Bass, for the same band along with a couple of others along the way. Depped (stood in for bass players who couldn't make the gig) for a few bands, played festivals and totally loving it. The band is going from strength to strength and my confidence has just grown.


Music has always been in my life from teaching myself the recorder at 5 years old, so I could play the carols in church with my friends, to being a Peripatetic  music teacher (teaching musical Instruments in schools.) It is my passion and I have been fortunate to build on that and find myself to the point I want to share my talent and teach the next generation or anyone, as it's never too late to learn.


So, when it comes to finding that one thing which ignites you inside, find that one group you can share it with. Whether that be in a social media group or in your own community. Just find that outlet where the flame can build inside you. It can be something you enjoyed before the children came along, or even something you thought....."One day I'd like to try that." Unless you try, you will never know.


Life is too short to feel lost and lonely. If you are going to be kind to one person today, let it be you!


Please feel free to ask me any questions, If I can signpost you, I will.


Just do it!


Let me know in the comments below what new project or hobby you are going to try. 


Believe in yourself!





I should learn to smile more!

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Vicky Wilson
5 months ago

Thank you so much for sharing, really inspiring!