Those little voices

Published on 9 August 2024 at 16:30


I heard you first time!

Ok....I won't do that, it's not a good idea.

How many of us have heard these phrases in our head, amongst others?

To be honest, I have had a few in mine as I am writing this. 

No one will read this? What is so-and-so going to think about it? How embarrassing!

So I decided to write a blog about empowering ourselves to live the fullest life we can. Only this morning I noticed a post about someone having music lessons and not being able to shine over embarrassment, fear, letting other people down, you get the picture. The little voices in your head, "Why are you doing that?" "Don't be stupid!" "Everyone will laugh at you!" Everyone has heard them, to a point we have believed them too. 

So, whilst these little voices are going on in my head, the passion I feel about assisting people to empower themselves through the negative talk, build on their self-belief and embark on a journey to fulfill their full potential. If that means getting up on stage solo or in a band, or starting that business you've always wanted. 

I am here to help, I have no magic wand!


What I do have is...

  • A good Understanding of what it's like
  • A Non-Judgmental approach
  • A passion in people believing in themselves


So, if any of this resonates with you and you would like to embark on a journey to quieten those little voices. Then press the button "New Journey"  or fill out your details below and I'll see you on the other side.







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Vicky Wilson
7 months ago

Having ADHD my head is full of many little voices telling me many different things. This blog has helped me see things in a different way. thank you <3